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SMART App Launch Test Kit

Test Kit Version: 0.5.1
Maturity: Medium
SMART App Launch
Endpoint Publication

The SMART App Launch Test Kit primarily validates the conformance of an authorization server implementation to a specified version of the SMART Application Launch Framework Implementation Guide. This Test Kit also provides Brand Bundle Publisher testing for the User-access Brands and Endpoints specification. This Test Kit supports following versions of the SMART App Launch IG: STU1, STU2, and STU2.2.

This Test Kit is open source and freely available for use or adoption by the health IT community including EHR vendors, health app developers, and testing labs. It is built using the Inferno Framework. The Inferno Framework is designed for reuse and aims to make it easier to build test kits for any FHIR-based data exchange.

To run tests for a SMART App Launch authorization server, select one of the “SMART App Launch” suites. To run tests for a Brand Bundle Publisher, select the “SMART User-access Brands and Endpoints” suite.


The SMART App Launch Test Kit primarily verifies that systems correctly implement the SMART App Launch IG for providing authorization and/or authentication services to client applications accessing HL7 FHIR APIs.

The test kit currently tests the following requirements:

  • Standalone Launch
  • EHR Launch

It also tests the ability of a Brand Bundle Publisher to publish a valid brand bundle as described in the User-access Brands and Endpoints specification.

See the test descriptions within the test kit for detail on the specific validations performed as part of testing these requirements.


The SMART App Launch Test Kit GitHub repository can be found here.

Providing Feedback and Reporting Issues

We welcome feedback on the tests, including but not limited to the following areas:

  • Validation logic, such as potential bugs, lax checks, and unexpected failures.
  • Requirements coverage, such as requirements that have been missed, tests that necessitate features that the IG does not require, or other issues with the interpretation of the IG’s requirements.
  • User experience, such as confusing or missing information in the test UI.

Please report any issues with this set of tests in the issues section of the repository.

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