This HL7® FHIR® server demonstrates a simulated API that is capable of passing the automated Inferno ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API certification tests. It is not intended for use in production systems, or as an authoritative reference for interfaces presented to users during SMART App Launch / OAuth authentication flows.

Support for SMART App Launch v1.0.0 & v2.0.0, including:

Support for Bulk Data v1.0.1 & v2.0.0

Support for US Core v3.1.1, v4.0.0, v5.0.1, and v6.1.0 including:

This server is protected by a simple mock OAuth2.0 implementation, which can be bypassed by using SAMPLE_TOKEN bearer token. Use patient 85 or 355.


HL7, FHIR and the FHIR [FLAME DESIGN] are the registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International and their use does not constitute endorsement by HL7.